"Thou shalt not be afraid..." - Psalm 91:5
Two explorers were on a jungle safari when suddenly a ferocious lion jumped in front of them. "Keep calm" the first explorer whispered. "Remember what we read in that book on wild animals? If you stand perfectly still and look the lion in the eye, he will turn and run." "Sure," replied his companion. "You've read the book, and I've read the book. But has the lion read the book?"

This week has brought many changes to each of our lives and schedules. There is no doubt that our God is in complete control and is working through these adverse circumstances. However, we must also remember that we have a real enemy named Satan.
1 Peter 5:8 reminds us "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walkers about, seeking whom he may devour:"
There is certainly Satanic opposition to God's people that accompany the adverse circumstances connected with COVID-19. As many of God's people have been preparing for Easter outreach and storming the gates of hell with the gospel this spring season, this virus and the resulting consequences have crippled many of those efforts. Although our plans may have changed, our God has not! The gospel is more attractive than it has ever been! We have a greater opportunity to share and show the gospel this Easter season by living fearlessly and courageously as God's people!
You have read "THE BOOK" and so has the Lion that wants to destroy you! You know how this will all end, Jesus will prevail, God will be glorified, and the church will reign with Christ! Here is the good news, Satan knows that too! Friend, do no cower in fear because Satan is attempting to thwart God's plans. Live fearlessly. Charles Hadden Spurgeon made this awesome statement: "The Lion within us is greater than the Lion pursuing us!" Press on in faith and remember you are victorious in Jesus today. He is the Lion of Judah that has conquered and gives you victory over your fears.